As soon as Alex Ovechkin won the Stanley Cup, we gave him another challenge.

Alex Ovechkin is a Papa John’s spokesman in Russia. So Laundry Service NYC had an interesting task: Create and sell a campaign featuring Ovi in English, then translate and run it in Russia. We did.

We showed that Alex might be the best at hockey, but when it comes to making pizza, he still has a lot to learn. Champions aren’t born, they are made.

Role: Campaign concept, scripts, tagline.

CD/AD: Emil Nisowski.

Press: TSN, The Sports Daily, RMNB, SwissHabs, 25Stanley.

The best part? We made Ovi spray his face with ketchup 😎

First, we introduced Ovi to a new kind of arena.

Then we showed him training.

Another video that was on Russian TV and YouTube.